
I am priveleged to have studied with and learnt from a number of inspirational teachers since my journey into yoga began but cite below those that occupy a special place in my heart.

Eileen Gauthier, my teacher and friend, whose incredible knowledge of the workings of the body and the Ashtanga System as a whole continues to inspire and astound me. I feel a shared sense of understanding the paradox inherent within the Ashtanga system and the ability to be spiritual without the layers of cliches that frequently accompany the term.

Danny Paradise is unique in the teachers I have studied with, being someone that has taught me a massive amount relating to life, ageing and death. Danny was also my introduction to the world of Shamanism through a retreat in the jungle of Brazil incorporating Ashtanga Yoga and Shamanism – a life changing three weeks and the start of a journey which continues to this day. Magic always seems to happen when Danny’s around.

Ana Forrest, the fiercest yogi I know, brings to her teachings absolute authenticity and a deep sense of healing, inspired by the traumas experienced in her own life. It is through Ana that I learnt to trust my intuition and fully integrate my then separate worlds of psychotherapy and yoga.

Matthew Sweeney blew me away initially in terms of pure physical ability – the man simply defies gravity (as does Eileen). Inspiring in his devotion to self study (‘svadhaya’), Matthew has studied Gestalt and Transpersonal Therapy amongst others, and to this end continues to explore yoga beyond the confines of the Ashtanga system and so always stays on my radar.

John & Lucy Scott are two incredibly gifted human beings through which sheer enthusiasm and passion for the Ashtanga system pour out of.  I have benefited from and been inspired by  their teachings in terms of my own practice, my ability to relate this to others as a teacher, and in my life as a whole.

Debbie Blunden was my first true Ashtanga teacher and the person with whom my first training as a teacher began, with me assisting her in her classes for two years. Debbie’s meticulous attention to detail, her thirst for knowledge and her passion for Ashtanga yoga helped me lay the foundation on which everything else within this journey has so far been placed.